I have 2 big announcements!
First, I have been chosen to be a part of the Sunshine Team at
Deco-Pages.com! This is an AWESOME board, with so much talent. Check out all the talented designers, freebies, and challenges. Sign up for free at the forum, and let the creativity begin!
Be sure to check out Club Deco. Its a super club. Check out the prices:
12 Months - $36.00 one time fee (only $3 a month when broken down)
3 Months - $15.00 one time fee (only $5 a month when broken down)
1 Month - $7.99 a month, one time fee.
Each month's membership is valued at at least 20.00 usally closer to 30.00!
Check it out
here. And when you join (I KNOW you'll want to!) remember to add me (ChristineMc) as the referer (is that a word? LOL)
Second: I have been chosen to be a part of the Creative Team at
Moo Two Designs! Check out the site for some awesome talent and very helpful people.Sign up for free at the forum, and jump in and join the chllenges and get to know everyone. You'll LOVE it!